
化学、Bachelor of Science


Earn an ACS Accredited Chemistry Degree from Saint 弗朗西斯 University

欧宝体育app入口的化学专业学生通过在本科阶段的实践经验,成为解决问题的科学家——培养技能,为他们在政府部门的成功职业生涯做好准备, 行业, 教育, 医学, and private institutions. Students will benefit from lab experience, 研究的机会, and internships as they work to achieve their goals. 



access to state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation
opportunities for one-on-one instruction and collaborative research projects
American Chemical Society award-winning program 

Chemistry the Saint 弗朗西斯 Way

Collaboration is the heart of our chemistry program. 欧宝体育app入口的教学理念是培养学生和教师之间的同事关系. 例如, 课堂讲座是一个积极的学习环境,在这里你可以直接和老师一起学习解决问题的技巧. You will also partner with faculty on undergraduate 研究的机会, lab teaching assistantships, 服务项目.

Work and play can be the key to chemistry success! 

Your interests will determine your path to becoming a research chemist, 药剂师, 高中教师, 法医科学家, or any array of professions—it’s all up to you. 


研究: 欧宝体育app入口的节目中, 学校鼓励学生早在大一就开始做本科研究, 在工业中使用的技术和仪器方面获得宝贵的经验, 研究实验室, 或者化学设施.


外展: R.O.C.K. (Rural Outreach Chemistry for Kids)  In the R.O.C.K. 你可以和当地的K-12学生一起工作,向他们展示科学(尤其是化学)在每个人的生活中都很重要,也很令人兴奋. R.O.C.K. 志愿者们主要使用家用产品进行动手化学实验和活动.  欧宝体育app入口的重点是在贝德福德附近的5个县进行课堂参观(而不是舞台展示), 布莱尔, 威尔士, 明显差异, 和萨默塞特). R.O.C.K. 也看看化学将在未来的角色,以及它将如何造福欧宝体育app入口的社会


事务: 通过丰富的学习机会和社区参与课程,成为这样的人, and actively affect change in the world. 


仪器: 从大一开始就能接触到最先进的设备和仪器,这将为你成为研究生或化学专业人士奠定基础. 



  • 化学俱乐部:  美国化学学会学生分会是一个致力于向大学和普通社区展示科学是多么有趣的组织. We host and participate in a wide variety of campus events, including National Chemistry Week and the Solar 5K. We also partner closely with R.O.C.K. (农村拓展儿童化学)在整个学年为欧宝体育app入口的成员提供许多社区服务的机会. 


  • Gamma Sigma Epsilon化学荣誉协会是一个全国性的化学荣誉协会,于1919年在戴维森学院成立. 这个兄弟会的成立是为了促进学术卓越和本科化学研究奖学金.  被邀请加入Gamma Sigma Epsilon是化学系学生梦寐以求的荣誉.

The best way to explore what the student experience really looks like is to


We would love to meet you and discuss your career goals!


课程 & 课程

What You’ll Learn in the Undergraduate Chemistry 程序

Have you ever experimented with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy? How about gas chromatography? As a chemistry undergraduate student at Saint 弗朗西斯, 你将获得宝贵的实验室和研究经验,将弹射到你的未来. 综合课程的设计使学生无论决定去哪里都能取得成功——无论是研究生院还是职场. With the option of either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry, you will not only build a solid foundation, 但也有机会将你的化学学位与其他领域的研究结合起来,比如生物学, 业务, 或者刑事司法. Concentrations in environmental chemistry, 法医化学, 纳米技术, pre-医学, pre-pharmacy, and 教育 leave you free to tailor your studies to your interests, and ultimately set you on the path to  achieving your goals. 

  • 度路径
  • 学习目标
  • 认证
  • 校园:

    度路径描述课程目录 学习计划
    化学、B.A. in-person bachelor of arts degree课程目录- 23/24学习计划


    in-person bachelor of science degree

    课程目录- 23/24


    化学、B.S., Duquesne 3 + 4 Pre-Pharmacy Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 

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    focus within 化学、B.S. 

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    化学、B.S., Environmental Chemistry Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 课程目录- 23/24


    化学、B.S., Forensics Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 

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    化学、B.S., Nanotechnology Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 

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    化学、B.S., Pre-Medicine Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 课程目录- 23/24


    化学、B.S., LECOM Pre-Medicine Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 课程目录- 23/24学习计划

    化学、B.S., LECOM Pre-Dental Concentration

    focus within 化学、B.S. 课程目录- 23.24


    化学、B.S., LECOM 3+3 Pre-Pharmacy Concentrationfocus within 化学、B.S. 课程目录- 23/24学习计划
    化学、B.S., Secondary Education Concentrationfocus within 化学、B.S.课程目录- 23/24


    发酵化学 化学B.A. with a Minor in Business AdministrationIn-person bachelor of arts degree课程目录- 23/24学习计划
    化学小a strong foundation in basic concepts and principles of modern chemistry课程目录- 23/24 
  • 成功完成本科化学课程后,您将能够:
    • Ability to use and read chemical formulas, nomenclature and chemical reactions and to do calculations involving stoichiometry, 混合物, 解决方案, 溶解度, and chemical equilibrium
    • Ability to describe and recognize bonding, structure and stereochemistry and to predict organic reactions, mechanisms and synthesis
    • 能够解释细胞和生物体如何感知和控制其内部环境并对变化作出反应, and how molecular structure dictates function
    • 能够运用热力学定律来评估化学平衡条件和化学反应的方向和速率
    • 能够描述金属和非金属元素的化学性质及其工业重要性,并能应用价键, 分子轨道理论和群论,以了解无机配合物的性质和化学
    • 能够阅读第一手资料(同行评审的文献),并能有效地口头交流化学概念
  • 作为化学专业的学生,你将有机会获得ACS认证学位. 欧宝体育app入口化学课程已被美国化学会批准提供ACS认证学位. 拥有acs认可的化学课程的机构致力于提供基础广泛且具有智力挑战性的化学经验. 美国化学学会专业培训委员会(CPT)仔细评估化学系课程的广度和深度, the qualifications of the chemistry faculty, the adequacy of the facilities, condition of instrumentation, access to current chemical literature, and opportunities for a meaningful research experience. 化学系符合ACS批准指南的学术机构被列入国家认可的经批准的化学项目清单.

    For more information, visit :
    American Chemical Society

portion of academic seal

Dedicated 研究ers; Passionate Teachers

Our chemistry teaching team, including seven Ph.D.-level members and two lab instructors, love to share their academic research and 行业 experience with each new class. 这个教育工作者的核心小组使欧宝体育app入口能够为学生提供化学科学方面的优秀教育. 如果你幸运的话, 他们甚至可以分享一些关于好莱坞最新大片电影科学的见解.


程序的椅子: Dr. 米歇尔•Hargittai mhargittai@inonezl.com, 814.472.2775

Career Outlook in Chemistry

这要归功于欧宝体育app入口坚实的课程基础和化学课程的多样性, our graduates have gone on to become successful medical doctors, 药剂师, 牙医, 验光师, 老师, 研究人员, 法医科学家, 律师, 还有更多. 


Frequently Asked Questions 关于 Chemistry and Saint 弗朗西斯 University

  • What can I do with a degree in Chemistry?

    化学为不同的职业道路提供了很多机会——从医学预科, 研究, to biochemistry — that graduates can tailor their studies to their goals. You can attend graduate school or medical school, 在实验室工作, teach high school chemistry, become a public health professional, be an environmental engineer, 还有更多! 

  • R是什么?.O.C.K. 程序?

    Rural Outreach Chemistry for Kids (R.O.C.K) is a volunteer organization founded in 1995 by Dr. 爱德华·P. Zovinka and the American Chemical Society-Student Affiliates (Chemistry Club). Through hands-on experiments and activities (using mainly household products), 它向当地K-12学校和青年组织免费展示了化学的重要性.

  • When can I get involved in undergraduate research?

    The chemistry faculty at SFU want you to get involved in research as a freshman.  你花在一个项目上的时间越多,你能学到的就越多,你对化学实验室的技能就越熟悉. 

  • 你们的班级有多大?如果我落后了,你们能提供帮助吗?

    We have small class sizes; fewer than 30 students for freshman year classes and fewer than 10 students for upper-level classes.  小班授课使教师有时间与学生进行个别辅导. The university also has free tutors available for all students.